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You Can Explore Inside The Great Pyramid Of Giza Using 3D Tour

The tour begins by having you enter through a tunnel believed to have been created by robbers in 820 CE.

James Felton

James Felton

James Felton

James Felton

Senior Staff Writer

James is a published author with four pop-history and science books to his name. He specializes in history, strange science, and anything out of the ordinary.

Senior Staff Writer

A tunnel inside a pyramid.

The tour begins entering through a tunnel like this. Image credit: diy13/

You can now take a look inside the Great Pyramid of Giza in a 3D digital tour. The pyramid, also known as Khufu Pyramid, was photographed by researchers to create the tour of the three interior chambers.

The tour begins by having you enter through a tunnel believed to have been created by robbers in 820 CE.


Included in the tour is the King's chamber at the top of the pyramid, the Queen's chamber in the middle, and a subterranean chamber of unknown purpose. 

The pyramid – about the size of an asteroid that NASA smashed a spaceship into earlier this year – is the largest of the Egyptian pyramids and the tomb of Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Khufu. 

Khufu began the construction of the pyramid, now the oldest of the seven wonders of the world, around 2550 BCE. The pyramid used approximately 2.3 million stone blocks, weighing an average of 2.5 to 15 tons each. Getting the materials there was a task in itself, with 8,000 tons of granite imported from Aswan, more than 800 kilometers (500 miles) away.

Thought for years to have been built by slaves, in the 1990s discoveries at the nearby Khafre and Menkaure pyramids suggested that the pyramids were in fact built by paid laborers.


In the cemetery, workers were found in mud-brick tombs filled with beer and bread to take with them to the afterlife, while examining their remains showed that they had a meat-rich diet that would be enviable of other workers at the time, and would not have been afforded to slaves.

Further analysis of the workers' remains found that they had been given medical treatment, from bone-setting to evidence of brain surgery on a tumor. One worker was found to have had his leg amputated through surgery, living a further 14 years after the operation.

Thousands of workers moved the blocks astonishing distances by ox and boat, and may have been dragged on sleds by workers across wet sand, reducing the amount of force they'd need to shift them. 

All to create what is now quite a neat 3D tour.


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  • pyramids,

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  • ancient egypt,

  • Great Pyramid of Giza,

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