Dynamic Online Marketing Platform Specializes in Nightly Timeshare Rentals
CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, USA, August 20, 2014 /EINPresswire.com/ -- ResorTime L.P., a division of Grand Pacific Resorts, proudly re-launches its website www.ResorTime.com with a Brand Identity backed by a promise to provide unsurpassed value and service to timeshare owners and renters looking for condo-style rental accommodations at exceptional resorts worldwide.ResorTime, a pioneer in timeshare condominium rentals continues its cutting-edge innovation by offering nightly rentals to consumers and delivering on its promise to provide memorable vacations to both transient travelers and timeshare owners.
Generates Revenue for Affiliates
David Brown, Co-President of Grand Pacific Resorts and ResorTime said, “At some point a company reaches a milestone known as the rebrand. For ResorTime that meant more than just a new look and feel. We envisioned a place where the vacation planning and booking process is truly enjoyable. Our innovative marketing strategies combined with new technology position ResorTime as a leader in generating additional revenue for its affiliates while enhancing timeshare owner utilization and loyalty.”
Ideal Booking Experience
The new ResorTime website includes an enhanced value proposition and user friendly technology designed to build trust, instill credibility, and drive conversion and bookings. Visitors to the site have the option to search, sort and filter based on the factors influencing their vacation decision such as interests, amenities, destinations and price.
“At ResorTime, the booking process is more than just a transaction,” says Nigel Lobo, COO. “Our bookings are made personal by a concierge level of service – either a real person or our intuitive website – to create the ideal booking experience as an exciting start to a memorable vacation experience!”
Mobile Friendly
The device agnostic site is designed to help owners and renters shop seamlessly on their mobile/tablet device or desktop. The site is also rich in content to inspire the undecided traveler on where they want to vacation. According to a study conducted by PhoCusWright (which provides data, information and analysis for the travel, tourism and hospitality industry), research indicates that mobile devices will grow to account for 27% of U.S. online bookings, up from 10% in 2013. The July 13 report corroborates ResorTime’s internal research which also shows that users gravitate to mobile searches when standing in line or waiting in public spaces. Therefore ResorTime uses responsive web design (RWD) in HTML5 for optimal mobile friendliness.
About Time for ResorTime
“It’s about time we made this move,” said Jeff Farr, Vice President of Revenue and Technology who explains the process and reveals the evolution of the ResorTime brand on YouTube. “Owners and renters are craving more options. ResorTime gives them value with the best nightly timeshare rentals and inspires travelers to explore dining, shopping, adventure and nightlife. Our commitment is to expand the market for our partners through this and ever-evolving new technology. Our robust capabilities allow us to better serve our partners in the industry through real time connectivity of ARI (Availability, Rates and Inventory) thereby increasing supply and reach.”
ResorTime offers over 1000 resorts located in top destinations throughout the U.S., Mexico, the Caribbean and Canada, making it one of the largest resort condo style rental services in the industry. Through their unique relationships, ResorTime provides exclusive nightly rental access to some of the most highly demanded timeshare and vacation rental resorts throughout its network.
For information about how to become a ResorTime affiliate go to www.resortime.com/affiliate or call Jeff Farr at (760) 827-4172.
Contact: Renee Wagner (760) 828-4268
Media: Georgi Bohrod (619) 255-1661
Georgi Bohrod
GBG & Associates
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